Monday, January 11, 2010

The odd people in my life.

I was so excited about my brother and sister coming to Taiwan that I couldn't help telling my students about them and when I told them my brother's nose was even taller than mine, the little nasties gasped. They gasped.

Also I got an e-mail from my mom. They are driving all the way down to LA to get passports done so Sarah and Johnny can come to Taiwan. They're supposed to fly out January 23rd. Good luck, my crazy family. =)

and today my classes were insane. It seems that the more tired I am the more determined they are to harrass me. At one point after class I had three kids sticking stickers on my face, one kid wearing my hat, two kids stealing my puzzle, the other had my book bag and they were all yelling "Teacher, give me." So I told them if they wouldn't give my stuff back I'd kiss them. one of my good kids translated for me and instead of dispursing and running in fear one of my boys turned it on me and said "Okay, kiss me." ....I ran


  1. Thats hilarious you need to come up with a new threat

  2. Hahah yeah we are pretty crazy. :) But hey as long as it means we get to see you that's okay. :)

  3. I wish I could come!!!
    Poor Johnny!!! I hope you have warned him about their obsession with noses:)

  4. lol. finally a boy that will stand up to you ;) maybe you should keep him...
    I miss you! Glad that you are with family...but getting a little jealous! You better be having a good time..that's all I can say.
