Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This is for you


Rock climbing was a lot of fun at the retreat. I wasn't really nervous about climbing up the rock, though I was nervous about coming back down it. I'm the same way about everything. I'm pretty quick to move forward with something new, but I'm terrified of when that thing ends and I have to start back towards ground level. A lot of times it would just be easier for me to keep going with the thing I'm doing rather than go back to where I started. To make things clearer, I should say that I'm leaving Taiwan soon. It was easy enough for me to start up this mountain of foreign experience. Yes, there were moments of unsureness, but I always knew I was climbing up. Now there isn't much time left here and soon I'm going to have to start making the descent down. I'm going to have to say goodbyes and get back to ground level. I don't feel as comfortable with this. It means letting go of something I've known and loved and trusting someone else to help propel me down. Seriously, when you are propelling down you have to let go of the rock that you've been clutching all this time and you have to relax and put yourself entirely at the mercy of the persons or people holding the rope.

So, here I go. I've got a little further to go to reach the top of this experience and then I'm going to have to say those goodbyes and lean back in trust that God will bring me down safely. Then from there I'll still be harnessed up and ready for the next experience God leads me up.

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