Thursday, November 19, 2009

thoughts from an old coot

I'm in my room right now, cleaning it and thinking about a conversation I once had with my grandpa. It was one of those days when I sat with him out in the garage listening to him talk about anything that struck his fancy. This particular time he was bemoaning the evilness and unfairness of the world. Then he exclaimed "If only Adam hadn't eaten that apple!" He was thoughtful for a little bit after that then replied to his own statement "I guess if he hadn't eaten it, I would have." Then he went inside for a beer, leaving me to think. It made me realize that I can never assume anyone is more evil than anyone else. Adam committed one sin and then sin entered the world and billions have suffered because of it. I have sinned countless times and no doubt am just as likely as Adam was to eat that fruit. It could have been through me that sin entered the world. That doesn't leave much room for pointing fingers, does it?


  1. Your grandpa WOULD have eaten it. But then, rest of the human race probably wouldn't have had to suffer the consequences of it because God would have been like, "Oh, it's just him and another one of his crazy antics. Silly man." =P (Why am I still in seminary???)
